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About the Library Project.

Join us as we inspire the minds and hearts of people in this international
mission. Their training and knowledge will advance the kingdom of God and save many souls in Africa and beyond.
What a wonderful way to honor Bishop and advance the kingdom of God.
Your financial contributions will allow us to create a legacy of love that will span generations and continents.
The estimated cost of the project is $140,000. We are presently over halfway to this amount. In order to complete the project and bring this vision to fruition, WE NEED YOUR HELP!


Donations in any amount are appreciated and are tax-deductible.

Image by Elisa Massenzio

$7,000 Level

$2,000 Level

A donation of at least $2,000 will purchase a computer.

$500 Level

There will be a brick walkway of faith leading into the library. Your contribution of at least $500 allows you to place your name, family name or a name of loved one in memorium on an individual brick.

Your donation of $7,000 or more will purchase the furnishing for the computer lab.


$200 Level

In the entry wall of the library, there will be a “ tree “ listing your name as a donor. A donation of at least $200 is appreciated in this way.

Methods of Donating


Make note of “Graves Memorial Library” on check. Please make check payable to: So Send I You, Inc. 

Mail checks to: 

So Send I You, Inc.  

P. O. Box 1699, Lincolnton Station 

New York, NY 10037 


For more information contact:

Ann Coleman

Phone: 917.913.5280 


Dr. Joe Albert Bush, Pastor of the Walker Memorial Baptist Church (Bronx, NY) and a Son of Bishop’s ministry, is founder and CEO of So Send I You, Inc, a 501(c)3 organization. This organization is a global Christian missions organization committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by educating, nurturing and cultivating missional leaders and congregations. This library is one of his many initiatives. 

Dr. Joe Albert Bush, Pastor Walker Memorial Baptist Church


Any of the above can be designated as a memorial gift.

How can you help?

Thanks for submitting!

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